Tuesday, 22 September 2015

BA1a - Introduction to Character Design project

Welcome to my blog! Here I will show my research and ideas I have for each project throughout university, SO let's get started....

Our first task of the year is to design a biped character, this could be based on a description from an existing piece of literature, everyday object or just someone you find interesting. We must also consider a narrative scenario that we'll be able to storyboard for our character to eventually develop into an animation. It must be biped (have 2 legs) so we can create a walk cycle later on.


  • Character Design Sheet in A2 or A3 - digital format (jpeg or PDF)
  • 12 Frame Storyboard- in digital format (jpeg or PDF)
  • Animatic silent - no more than 30 seconds duration (QuickTime) 
  • Reflective Research Portfolio - communicating the results of the iterative process used to develop your character and narrative concepts (PDF Format) 
  • Evaluation of 250 words - on the project and achieved outcomes

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